
Broke Black Bougie is dedicated to Black women existing in a world that doesn’t make room for us, yet, we still find ways to reclaim our space.

It’s focused on fostering candid conversations about our lived experiences, where we’ve been, and where we desire to go.

It’s relatable because we’ve all been there, women having to make it on less than our worth. We do it while setting trends, spreading Blackassness, and ultimately busting our tails to live our best life.

This platform was created as a safe space for young Black women to discuss critical conversations in adulthood.

I began Broke Black Bougie in college, battling different challenges in my life, and I had this burning desire to write through my experience.

Whether it’s maneuvering the woes of adulthood, estranged relationships with family, discovering therapy, understanding how politics impacts our lives, or surviving breakhood, we lay it all on the table here. Broke Black Bougie's leads create content that centers on the core values of bold self-expression, unity, and equity for Black women.




